We produce and supply standardized production material.
We produce and supply standardized production material.
We have a solid team of customs professionals.
Financial and technical assistance to producers.
Follow-up of loads in real time.
With continuity throughout the year in all our co-operative bases.
Complete and reliable.
Matrunita has today a total of 1,800 registered beekeepers belonging to the states of AL, BA, CE, MA, PB, PE, PI, RN and SE. Most of these producers work with migratory beekeeping. They migrate to the regions where there is a predominant flowering in certain months of the year. Matrunita follows these beekeepers with its internal control system, providing the necessary assistance and mapping the areas where they install their apiaries, certifying that they are out of the reach of contaminants that could disqualify the honey organic category. Getting to certify more than 100 thousand beehives per year in regions of the states of MA, CE, PI, BA, PE.
O Fair Trade visa apoiar o desenvolvimento socioambiental local e praticar o Comércio Justo. A Matrunita possui atualmente um grupo de 103 apicultores cadastrados no Fair Trade, localizados na cidade de Acopiara no Ceará.